Friday, May 20, 2011

Let There Be Sight!

I'll never forget how excited I was to hear, for my 16th birthday, that my grandmother was giving me contact lenses. I'd worn glasses since I was in 4th grade, and by the time I was in 10th - in the full throes of teenage angst about everything to do with how I looked - I was ready to get rid of the specs. For the most part, with the exception of a few period here and there, I've worn contacts ever since. Last summer and fall, I had a lot of problems with my eyes, and although we thought switching to daily disposables would solve the problem, at my appointment earlier this month, my doctor suggested that I start wearing my glasses most of the time. Bummer. The glasses I had were almost 10 years old (and the fact that both the frames and lenses were in such great shape show how little they've been used), so I figured the time had come to treat myself to some new ones.

It wasn't easy. First of all, I despise shopping for anything that I need to wear. Second, have you been to an eyeglass shop lately? The possibilities literally seem endless. After trying on dozens of frames, I finally (and with the help of both Jim and the incredibly patient optician) decided on a set that I thought I'd want to look at (and through) for the next few years. They came in last week, and unfortunately the lenses were damaged. So back they went. Yesterday I got the happy call that they were back in, and I picked them up. Wow! They're very different in style than what I had before, but I like them! I really like them!

And no, I am  not posting a picture of myself wearing them. Because the one thing I hate more than shopping is pictures of myself.  ;)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tutoring, Puss Style

Poor Erin has been sick this week. She's like me... She rarely gets sick, but when she does, it's bad. It's so infrequent that she's bad-sick that when we went to the pediatrician's office yesterday, it was the first time since we've lived here that we had to wait in the "sick" waiting room. That's 2 1/2 years! Anyway, we're pretty sure she has strep (don't even get me started on why it should take 2 days to get a strep culture back), and she started on an antibiotic last night in case that is what it is. The medicine hasn't kicked in yet, so she's still feeling lousy (fever, sore throat, cough, headache - all around ick), but we're trying to make good use of her days at home and keeping up on her school work. One of the things she is doing is studying for a social studies test that she has on Friday, so this morning, she set out to watch some of the videos that the class uses to study. No problem, right? Except that Mia decided to help tutor her. Which would be fine, except that Mia doesn't realize that Erin can't see through her, which makes her perch-of-choice less than optimal for learning.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Last in the Collection

A couple of weeks ago, Erin had three teeth pulled. Her dentist and orthodontist had been watching them for over a year now, and had both agreed that the time had come to get them out, seeing as they weren't showing any signs of budging on their own. It had originally been FOUR that had to come out, but one of them was nice enough to pretty much do it on its own a few weeks prior. So on a Friday morning, we drove to the surgeon's office with Erin in her pjs, Lucky clutched in her arms, to get it done. It was Erin's first visit to an oral surgeon, and her first experience with being put under general anesthesia - both of which are experiences we hope she doesn't have too often in her life.

However, for me, it was a "last." These teeth were the last of her baby teeth to come out. In my closet, I have a little bottle with all of her baby teeth in it (with the exception of the very first one, which she actually swallowed. I wasn't that interested in retrieving it. Eew!). These last three came home in their own little treasure chest. I've been looking at this little box ever since, and it gives me a sad sort of a feeling. This is a little bit of her childhood that's passed, something that will never happen to her again. It's a sure sign (one of many, as I'm seeing every day) that she is leaving that little girl stage behind her. I'll never again see her with a gap-toothed grin (or, at least, I HOPE not! LOL!), or see her bring home a tooth necklace when she's lost one at school. I'll never again fish around under her pillow for a tooth and leave some money while she was sleeping.

Yep, my little girl is growing up. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Flower Fields

For the last few years, I've been hearing about a place that's a must-visit destination for photography nuts like me. It's the Flower Fields in Carlsbad, CA. It's around 50 acres of, well, flower fields, open the public for a short time each spring so visitors can enjoy the blooms. We'd been trying to go for a few weeks now, but yesterday we finally made it down there to give my macro lens a workout. And for the most part, the blooms didn't disappoint. I have to say, I don't think it was worth the admissions price, but seeing as we had a 2-for-1 coupon, I can't complain. Even Erin had a great time, looking for the stamp stations to get stamps in the little "passport" that she was given when we arrived. She and Jim also braved the poppy maze, which they thought they were a blast (once they found their way out). Here are just a few of the pictures that I took during our visit.

My favorite girl in the flower fields.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Miss My Camera, and It Misses Me!

As I was sitting at my desk today working, I looked forlornly at my camera sitting - almost neglected - just a few feet away from me. "Why hath thou forsaken me?" it seemed to be saying. Now, I know that I'm Jewish, and we know a thing or two about guilt, but this is going too far. I was feeling guilt from an inanimate object! This is nuts!

"I hath not forsaken you," I assured it.

"But you haven't used me since last Monday! That's over a week!" Is it possible for a camera to pout? If so, it did.

Oh, this was getting silly. I looked out the window and saw the sun shining brightly. The temperature readout on my computer said it was a perfect 72 degrees. What the heck. I put down the phone, grabbed Mr. Cranky Camera and my macro lens, and stepped into the back yard. I think I've photographed just about everything possible out there, but I managed to find something I've never captured before. Why hello, Mr. Bug!

After that little break, my camera was looking decidedly happier. I promise I won't let a week go by without picking you up again. (After all, there's a soccer game on Saturday!) And I'll always love you!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Reading Naked at Home

Get your minds out of the gutter!

As most of my friends know, I'm a voracious reader. When ereaders first came out a few years ago, I really wasn't sure I'd like them. I like books. I like the feel of them, the weight of them, the smell of them. There's just always been something very soothing and enjoyable about getting lost in a good book, and I didn't think a little machine would provide the same feeling for me. Then a friend of mind showed me her new Kindle, and I was instantly hooked. I thought it was so amazing to be able to carry dozens of books with you anywhere in one neat little package. So I ordered one.

For the last 4 years, my Kindle has gone almost everywhere with me (even getting left on a plane once! Thankfully I got it back, and I apologized to it profusely for abandoning it like that.), and I've never regretted not having a physical book to read. Now that it's been a few years, my beloved Kindle was showing some age and slowing down some, and I decided for my birthday this year, I wanted an upgrade. It was a little early, but I got my new baby yesterday! It's so much smaller than its predecessor (which has already been adopted by Erin, who promises to give it a loving home), and I immediately realized that a cover would be an absolute necessity.

From reading some of the Kindle boards (because, you know, there are boards for EVERYTHING these days!), I saw that a lot of people say they like, "reading naked at home," meaning (and I warned you to get your minds out of the gutter!) that they like holding their Kindles without a cover. I tried that yesterday, and didn't like it. The Kindle felt too exposed (another naked reference - sorry!), and I kept worrying that it would either slip from my hands or that something else would happen to it. I'm not willing to take that chance, so I ordered a really cool looking cover that will hopefully be here on Wednesday. No Kindle-streaking for me! Now my biggest problem is ignoring it calling to me from the other room, "Read on me! Read on me!" while I'm supposed to be working. I will be strong... I will be strong...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

One for the Bug Experts

I just wandered outside for the first time since around 8am this morning to grab the mail, and on the way back inside, noticed that our front step and the wall at the front of the house are covered with these little, well, buggers. They're teeny-tiny, less than 1/4" long, and both shiny and translucent. Kind of pretty, but there's quite a nightmare-inducing quality to them too, especially when you see them in big numbers. Eew. Anyone have any idea what they are?

Did I saw eew?