Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tutoring, Puss Style

Poor Erin has been sick this week. She's like me... She rarely gets sick, but when she does, it's bad. It's so infrequent that she's bad-sick that when we went to the pediatrician's office yesterday, it was the first time since we've lived here that we had to wait in the "sick" waiting room. That's 2 1/2 years! Anyway, we're pretty sure she has strep (don't even get me started on why it should take 2 days to get a strep culture back), and she started on an antibiotic last night in case that is what it is. The medicine hasn't kicked in yet, so she's still feeling lousy (fever, sore throat, cough, headache - all around ick), but we're trying to make good use of her days at home and keeping up on her school work. One of the things she is doing is studying for a social studies test that she has on Friday, so this morning, she set out to watch some of the videos that the class uses to study. No problem, right? Except that Mia decided to help tutor her. Which would be fine, except that Mia doesn't realize that Erin can't see through her, which makes her perch-of-choice less than optimal for learning.


  1. Those shots are so funny! The kitty definitely wants to be part of the learning process. I hope Erin feels better soon! No fun being sick!

  2. I have a cat like that myself. They don't realize that they make a better door than a window. Too cute. Hope she feels better soon!

  3. Cute! I wish our cat was more like this. Well, maybe not! : ) She was a wild rescue, so she's a little skittish still.

  4. That is to funny! My cat does that to me when I try and edit. The little attention hounds lol!
